Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Action Plan

Tool 7.1 Action Planning Template
Goal: The goal for the researcher after implementing strategies for helping struggling 9th grade students in core classes will be the reduction of the failure rate in each core content class of English, Biology, World Geography, and Algebra by 10% within a two year period.

Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Creating study halls designed for freshmen to target their academic needs

Campus administrators, counselors, 9th grade teachers, and tutors

August 2013 – December- 2013

Interview questions for students, parents, and staff

Develop consent forms for students

Access to the 2012-2013 first semester grades of 9th graders to determine those students who have failed core content classes  

Classroom space and tutors for before and after-school tutoring

Teacher professional development

Use data-collection methods of survey and interview to determine which
Strategies were the most helpful to the 9th graders who became successful

Monitoring the achievement of goals and objectives:
Use student grade reports, report cards, and progress reports to monitor the students

Providing a transition program in the summer between the 8th and 9th grade in order to introduce 8th grade students to the high school experience

Campus administrators, counselors, 9th grade teachers, and tutors

August 2013 – December 2013

Interview questions for students, parents, and staff

Develop consent forms for students

Access to the 2012-2013 first semester grades of 9th graders to determine those students who have failed core content classes
Teacher professional development

Use data-collection methods of survey and interview to determine which
Strategies were the most helpful to the 9th graders who became successful

Monitoring the achievement of goals and objectives:
Use student grade reports, report cards, and progress reports to monitor the students


  1. Although I am an elementary school teacher, I feel like your research plan is a great one. I believe the transition into high school is one of great importance. 9th graders need some extra encouragement and support and I feel like you have a created a way for them to have their educational needs met. Good luck!

  2. Marco,
    Are you going to provide incentives to the students for their participation? I guess my question is how are you going to entice them to be there when they don't have to.
