Sunday, May 12, 2013

Final Reflections

This was a great learning process. Thank you for those of you that commented. Some incentives that would get the students up here are free food from local restaurants and a free tee shirt. It doesn't take much to get these kids up to school and donated lunches from these restaurants and a generous donation of printed shirts from a local business is just the thing to get these kids excited to come up during their precious summer. This is just the beginning and I can not wait to get started on this Research.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Moving Along

Today I had a good talk with my site supervisor. We revised and looked at some of the potential problems that could arise. It is hard to believe that this class is almost over along with the school year. Seems like EOC's final projects are all piling up on the kids. You could see the struggle to stay focused is getting a little difficult. Summer is around the corner and we can both smell it. We have to keep pushing forward.